What Is Pharmacology | Branches Of Pharmacology | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Pharmacology Defination And Branches *What Is Pha...

Pharmacology -- Local Anesthetics Agents | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Local Anesthetics Are those agents which causes lo...

Tuberculosis Drug Therapy | Side effects of all tb drugs | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Adverse effect of Anti Tubercular Drug: ...

Pharmacology- Diabetic Medication | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Oral Antidiabetics Drugs Oral antidiabetic drug...

Insulin Preparations | Pharmacology | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Insulin preparation Insulin is a small protein conta...

Anti Anginal Drugs | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Anti anginal Drugs Angina pectoris is a symptoms of ...

Drugs Used In Peptic Ulcer Disease | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Drugs used in peptic ulcer disease: 1. Acid Neutrali...

Anti hypertensive drugs Pharmacology | Medi tutorial

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Antihypertensive drugs Hypertension is defined as ...

Heart Failure Drugs | CVS Pharmacology | Medi tutorials

by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Drugs used in heart failure : Two types: A. Dru...

Antipsychotic or Antischizophrenic Drugs | CNS Pharmacology | Medi tutorials

Antipsychotic or Antischizophrenic Drugs | CNS Pharmacology | Medi tutorials  by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel li...

Anti Parkinsonism Drugs | Parkinsons Disease | Medi tutorials

Anti Parkinsonism Drugs | Parkinsons Disease | Medi tutorials  by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<...

Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs | Medi tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> NSAIDs Non steroidal anti-inflammatory d...

General Anasthetics Agents | Medi tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> General Anesthetics These are the age...

Antihistamines | Histamine receptor agonist and antagonist | Medi tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Antihistamines: Histamines is a mediator...

Pre Anaesthetic Medication | Medi Tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Pre Anesthetics Medication Use of drugs b...

Anti Depressants Drugs | SSRI, SNRI, TCA, MAOi | Medi tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Antidepressants Drugs those drug which pr...

Sedatives and hypnotics drug | CNS pharmacology | Barbiturates | medi tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Sedatives and hypnotics drug Classificat...

Drug therapy of Migrane | Migrane Prophylaxis | Medi Tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Drug therapy of Migrane: Migrane is more ...

Antiemetic Drugs | Medi Tutorials

Written by,  Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link:  Medi tutorials<click here> Antiemetic Drug emesis means nausea, vomit...

Anti Tubercular Drug | How to memorise | Medi tutorials

Written by, Fojla Rahman Zia Youtube channel link: Medi tutorials<click here> Anti-tubercular drug Tuberculosis is a chron...