What Is Pharmacology | Branches Of Pharmacology | Medi tutorials


by, Fojla Rahman Zia
Youtube channel link: Medi tutorials<click here>

Pharmacology Defination And Branches

*What Is Pharmacology?
*What Are the Branches of Pharmacology?

Pharmacology is a branch of science that
includes history, source, physiochemical properties,
dosage froms, methods of administration, absorption,
distribution, biotransformation, excretion, mechanism
of action, pharmacological effects, clinical use and
adverse effect of drug.

Branches of Pharmacology:
*Experimental pharmacology
*Clinical pharmacology
*Biochemical pharmacology
*Molecular pharmacology
*Behavioral pharmacology

It includes the process of absorption, distribution,
biotransformation and excretion of drug.

It includes mechanism of action, pharmacological effect, 
and adverse effect of drugs.

It is the first branch of pharmacology.

Botanical sources of drug.

Dose of drug or medicine.


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