Tuberculosis Drug Therapy | Side effects of all tb drugs | Medi tutorials


by, Fojla Rahman Zia
Youtube channel link: Medi tutorials<click here>

Adverse effect of Anti Tubercular Drug:


*Peripheral neuropathy in slow acetylator
(Burning sensation of feet, numbness, tingling)
*Hepatotoxicity in rapid acetylator
*CNS toxicity :Restlessness,Insomnia, psychosis
*GIT discomfort.

adverse effects Rifampicine:

*Harmless orange or red coloration of urine,tear,
saliva, cvontact lens.
*Liver damage- hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice
*Flue like syndrome.

adverse effects Pyrazinamide:
*Acute gouty arthritis
*nausea, vomitting.

adverse effects Ethambutol:
*Retrovalvar neuritis
*GIT disturbance
*headache, giddiness.

One adverse effect must be memorise:
isoniazide- peripheral neuropathy.
rifampicin- harmless orange or red colour of urine, tear, saliva.
pyrazinamide- acute gouty arthritis
ethambutol-retrovalvar neuritis.

For pervention of peripheral neuropathy in slow acetylator pyridoxine along with isoniazide is given to the patient ... 

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