Depression definition, cause, clinical features, treatment

Depression definition, cause, clinical features, treatment

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What is depression?

Depression is disturbance in sleep and appetite as well as deficiet in cognition and energy.

Depression is characterised by
*Prolonged sadness.
*Irritability and anxiety.
*Lack of interest in normal activities.
*Major change in eating and sleeping behaviour.
*Difficulty concentrating.
*Feeling of guilt.
*Aches and pain that have no physical explanation.
*Suicidal Throught.

Now What are the causes of depression?

There are some hypothesis:
*Neurotropic hypothesis
*Monoamines hypothesis
*neuro endocrine hypothesis

Accortding to Neurotropic hypothesis:
The cause of depression is BDNF level, In the brain neuron when BDNF level is decreased then depression start.
BDNF is a protein molecules that is encoded by BDNF gen.
( Here BDNF means Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor)
Anti depressant drugs increases the level of BDNF in the brain neurons and thus perevents depression!

Accortding to Monoamines hypothesis:
The cause of depression is decreased brain level of Dopamine, Seratonine, and Nor-epinephrine . (Memorised this as "DNS" here D= Dopamine , N= Nor-epinephrine, S= Seratonine) . Anti depressant drugs increased level of dopamine, seratonine and nor-epinephrine level in our brain neurons and thus prevents Depression!

Now Treatment of Depression:
Oral Anti depressant Drugs
(Another video on antidepressant drugs available on our channel, Check the above (i) button for this!


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